RedBrick Design Solution Is an architectural firm that equips the clients with affirmative and desirable design, along with the services that enhance the design and promote it to the next level, the services namely as , surveying, planning and designing, BIM Services, 3D Walkthroughs in addition extended to V.R conversion, and also Scan to BIM Services.
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BIM Services

Ipsum lorem ad sea, in reque bonorum definiebas mei. Ius

BIM Services

BIM is an intelligent model based process that equips, Architecture, Engineering and Construction with the insight an tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct and manage Buildings and Infrastrucutre.

When it comes to BIM everything starts with a 3D digital model of the building. This model, however, is way more than pure geometry and some nice textures cast over it for visualization. A true BIM model consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces used to build a building. These elements have all the characteristics – both physical   and logical – of their real counterparts. These intelligent elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements   such as walls, columns, windows, doors, stairs etc. that allow us to simulate the building and understand its behaviour in a computer   environment way before the actual construction starts.


  • 3D visualization :-

While there can be several different goals to fulfil by the creation of a purpose built BIM model that may differ both in their focus,  scope, complexity, level of details and the depth of information added to the 3D model, of course the most trivial use of a BIM model is   for making nice visualizations of the being to be build. This is good for both helping your design decision by comparing different design   alternatives and for “selling” your design to your client or even to the local community that might have a veto about the entire building   project. Change Management – Since data is stored in a central place in a BIM model any modification to the building design will automatically  replicate in each views such as floor plans, sections and elevation. This not only helps in creating the documentation faster but also provides  stringent quality assurance by automatic coordination to the different


  • Building Simulation :-

BIM models not only contain architectural data but the full depth of the building information including data related to the different engineering disciplines such as the load-bearing structures, all the ducts and pipes of the different building systems and even sustainability information as   well with which all the characteristics of a building can easily be simulated well in advance. Data Management – BIM contains information that is   not visually represented at all. Scheduling information, for example clarifies the necessary manpower, coordination and anything that might affect  the out come of the project schedule. Cost is also part of BIM that allows us to see what the budget or estimated cost of a project might be at any  given point in the time during the project.